Graduate Program IOUSP

The Graduate Program in Oceanography (PPGO) is linked to the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo and offers strictu-sensu Masters and Doctoral courses. The program is the result of the merger of the three programs offered up to 2010 (Biological Oceanography, Chemical and Geological Oceanography and Physical Oceanography) and inherits the history and tradition of more than 40 years of graduate studies at IOUSP, having awarded more than 880 titles (581 masters and 299 doctors).

Openings of the selection process are disclosed at least 30 days in advance. The selection process for the Master course takes place once a year, usually between the months of October and November. The admission to the Doctorate follows a continuous flow selection process.

The PPGO stands out for the diversity of research lines, with advisors with competences in the different areas of oceanography. The program has four areas of concentration with their respective research lines:

Biological Oceanography

  • Uses, Impacts and Management of Marine Resources and Ecosystems
  • Structure and Functioning of Marine Ecosystems

Physical Oceanography

  • Large and Meso-Scales Oceanic Circulation
  • Dynamics of the Continental Shelf and Estuaries

Chemical Oceanography

  • Marine biogeochemistry and interface dynamics
  • Marine organic chemistry

Geological Oceanography

  • Marine sedimentation
  • Evolution of the seabed and paleoceanography

One of the objectives of the PPGO is to train specialists in the analysis of temporal and spatial variations of physical, chemical, geological and biological processes in coastal and ocean environments, in the context of all the research lines. This diversity in themes enables the interaction between the different areas of concentration and the contact and collaboration with researchers from other Institutes of the University and other institutions in Brazil and abroad.


CAPES Evaluation

In the last Quadrennial Evaluation (2013-2016) carried out by CAPES, PPGO was ranked with grade 7  (seven), consolidating it as a Program of Excellence with high international standard.

Graduate programs are continuously evaluated by CAPES (Coordination of Higher Education Personnel), which classifies them with grades ranging from 2 to 7, indicating the impact of the programs in the national and international scenarios. Grades 6 and 7 are unique to programs offering PhDs with a level of excellence, performance equivalent to that of the most important international teaching and research centers, high level of international insertion, great capacity for nucleation of new research and teaching groups and whose academic staff plays a leading role in the respective community.

Graduate Office

Ana Paula Dourado Evangelista
Tel.: (11) 3091-6510
Daniel de Queiroz Nunes

Tel. (11) 3091-6514

