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Vamos todos prestigiar e aprender sobre as monções do Sul da Ásia, em uma pesquisa em colaboração entre os Estados Unidos e a Índia.
Prof. Dr. Amit Tandon, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Título: ASIRI-OMM: International USA-India Research Collaboration in the Bay of Bengal (Northern Indian Ocean)
Local: Anfiteatro do Instituto Oceanográfico – USP
Resumo: Monsoons are the life force of South Asian agriculture and economy. The intra-seasonal variability in South Asian Monsoons is poorly predicted and has been traced to inadequate representation of ocean mixing and air-sea interaction in numerical ocean models for the Bay of Bengal region. The Office of Naval Research supported an Air-Sea Interaction Regional Initiative (ASIRI, 2013-2017) to collaboratively address these with multiple USA institutions in collaboration with regional partners in India and Sri Lanka. We present a brief overview and introduction to ASIRI, along with some of the main science results for this large initiative.