Events Calendar
17 de agosto de 2016, quarta-feira, 16:00
Prof. Dr. J. Rudi Strickler, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Estados Unidos
Título: Sex in the Deep Sea
Local: Anfiteatro do Instituto Oceanográfico – USP
Dr. J. Rudi Strickler has spent much of his career revealing the activities of aquatic species that have discriminating tastes in food, an acute ability to distinguish among other species, and delicate and precise mating rituals. He has developed innovative techniques to capture the animals’ often-rapid movements on video. Are they fish? Whales? Actually, they’re zooplankters, the tiny, ubiquitous creatures that live in both marine and freshwater environments. Given their important position near the bottom of the aquatic food chain, learning about their behavior is of no small importance. This talk he will discuss the underlying principles for successful mating in copepods that live in the vast 3D space of the oceans.