Events Calendar
Tracing short-term carbon pathways in the macrofauna community from a meso-oligotrophic coastal ecosystem
Tuesday 20 May 2014, 09:30
TEMA - “ Tracing short-term carbon pathways in the macrofauna community from a meso-oligotrophic coastal ecosystem.”
LOCAL – Anfiteatro do IOUSP
DATA – 20.05.2014 HORÁRIO – 09h30
ALUNO(A) – Camila Ortulan Pereira
ÁREA DE CONCENTRAÇÃO – Oceanografia Biológica
NÍVEL - Doutorado
Prof. Dr. Paulo Yukio Gomes Sumida – Orientador
Profa. Dra. Thais Navajas Corbisier – IOUSP
Prof. Dr. Alexander Turra – IOUSP
Profa. Dra. Ana Maria Setubal Pires Vanin - IOUSP
Location Anfiteatro IOUSP